Thursday, March 13, 2014

Is Your Ghusl (Ritual Bath) Correct?

Is Your Ghusl (Ritual Bath) Correct? Reminder…!!

We learn how to perform ghusl according to the Sunnah from the following hadith :"When Allah's Messenger (s.a.w.w) would perform ghusl due to Janabah (sexual impurity), he would begin by washing his hands. Then he would pour water from his right hand to his left and wash his private parts with it (i.e. the left hand). Then he would perform wudu (ablution). Then he would take water and place his (wet) fingers on the roots of his hair. Then he would pour three handfuls of water over his head. Then he would pour water all over the rest of his body. Then he would wash his feet." Sahih al-Bukhari - Book #05 (The Book of Ghusl) : Hadith #248-249

This is the description of the complete ghusl of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. And from this hadith, we get ten matters :

1. The intention: The intention is very important. Without it your ghusl will be invalid. 
2. Saying bismillaah:We begin every act of worship with the Name of Allaah. If you are in the bathroom though (like most are) don't say it out loud. Because we do not take the Name of Allaah in the bathroom.
3. Washing the hands three times (each)
4. Washing the impurities off the private parts (with the left hand)
5. Wudhu :Only up to the part of the head and ears. Washing the feet is delayed till after the rest of the body is washed.
6. To rub the roots of the hair on the head (and the beard for men) with wet fingers (rub it thoroughly)
7. Pouring water over the head three times
8. Pouring water all over the body
9. Starting with the right side and rubbing the body with the hand
Take your hands and rub all over the right side of your body starting from the top all the way to the toes. Then do the same for the left side.Take care to avoid touching your private parts directly as this will nullify the ghusl (just like how wudu is nullified if you touch the private parts without a barrier).
10. Leave the area of ghusl and wash the feet

If you're in the bathroom, you can just step aside from the shower area and then wash your feet (three times each just like in wudu).

There. All done. 

Note : The ghusl of the woman is the same as the ghusl of the man, except that she is not obligated to untie her hair (if she finds it too troublesome), as long as the water reaches the roots of the hair. This is due to the hadith of Umm Salamah (r.a) Sahih Muslim - Book #03 (The Book of Menstruation) : Hadith #643 
The ghusl is an important part of our ibaadah (acts of worship) and it's important that we know how to perform it correctly and be aware of its issues and rulings.

I hope you find this small note beneficial and may Allah increase us all in beneficial knowledge. Ameen.


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